Danish lessons for medical staff

Teaching of Danish has been my main occupation for many years, partly as a teacher of Danish as a foreign language at the Danish Institute of Culture in Warsaw, partly as a mother-tongue teacher for Danish expat children attending the American School in Warsaw (ASW)
It have been rewarding tasks, and I have been happy to se the results, when course participants have been able to leave Poland and start a new life in Denmark.
Danish B2 in 6 months
At the same time I have regularly participated in courses for medical staff. In this respect I have had a close cooperation with the recruitment company Paragona, but also other firms organizing Danish courses in Poland, before the medical staff started their jobs in Denmark. The groups have involved doctors, nurses and paramedics, who during a full time course have learned sufficiently Danish to manage the tasks in Denmark. The courses typically run over 4 months (level B1) or 6 months (level B2). At the same time teaching emphasizes the work situation in such a way, that the medical language normally will be at lease B2 after 4 months and C1 after 6 months.
Stationary courses in Danish
I still accept offers for Danish for foreigners from recruitment companies and other institutions planning to employ candidates for jobs within the Danish health care sector. I mostly have experience in teaching of Poles and have a profound understanding of their language background. It makes teaching so much easier, but I have also been teaching some candidates from other European countries.
One-to-one online Danish
I accept individual teaching (1 to 1) through the Internet, though teaching with personal contact is more effective. When more than one participant I do not find that distant teaching is sufficiently effective. In case of more than one participant, I only participate in stationary curses.
Intensive teaching
Intensive courses will typically be carried our with 30 lessons of 45 minutes pr. week (plus a lot of home work), and we therefore need 2-3 teachers for such a course. I can obviously help finding experienced Danish teachers in Poland in order to make up a strong team.
Please write to m@hardenfelt.pl if You need Danish teaching for medical staff.