Michael Hardenfelt (E-mail: m@hardenfelt.pl) – Tour guide in Warsaw and the rest of Poland. Phone: +48 600 43 53 83

Dansk version

Andrzej Domański

Polish Minister of Finance

The Minister of Finance is a graduate of the Krakow University of Economics and has had a career in the financial sector and as a lecturer in financial behaviour at the renowned private university SWPS, where Minister of Justice Bodnar has also been Dean during the break after he ceased to be Ombudsman in 2021. Andrzej Domański is 43 years old, so we’re talking about a young and dynamic person in the post of finance minister.

Andrzej Domański i one of the youngest among Polish politicians in government


The Minister of Finance is relatively unknown outside economic circles, but has participated in various think tanks and been associated with the Civic Platform for a number of years.

Please send an email to m@hardenfelt.pl if you would like an English-speaking tour guide to show you the most important places in Warsaw.