Michael Hardenfelt (E-mail: m@hardenfelt.pl) – Tourist guide in Warsaw and the rest of Poland. Phone: +48 600 43 53 83

Dansk version

Poland – politicians

A small selection of Polish politicians who influence society today or have had a lasting impact on Poland. There are quite a few missing, but the most important ones are here!

# Donald Tusk #Adam Bodnar # Andrzej Domański # Jarosław kaczyński # Zbigniew Ziobro # Szymon Hołownia # Radosław Sikorski # Adrian Zandberg # Roman Giertych # Leszek Miller # Andrzej Duda # Mateusz Morawiecki # Lech Walęsa # Lech Kaczyński # Wociech Jaruzelski # Alexander Kwasniewski # Leszek Balcerowicz

Click on the name or the picture to read more!

Donald Tusk

Polish Prime Minister for several terms, most recently from December 2023. Former President of the European Council.

Adam Bodnar

Officially Minister of Justice, unofficially Minister of Clean-up. Former ombudsman. Strong commitment to human rights and minority protection.

Andrzej Domański

Polish Minister of Finance since December 2023.

Jarosław kaczyński

Party chairman of PiS. Former prime minister and the man who controls everything. Has had a huge impact on Polish politics.

Zbigniew Ziobro

Former Ministry of Justice. Gifted with an intense hatred of large groups.

Szymon Hołownia

Former TV host. Now party owner and chairman of Sejm.

Radosław Sikorski

Minister of Foreign Affairs from December 2023 and in former governments. Best known for being married to American celebrity journalist Anne Applebaum.

Adrian Zandberg

Left-wing leader with socialist visions. Historian, charismatic public speaker.

Roman Giertych

Former youth leader and deeply conservative. Lawyer. Has drifted towards the middle of Polish politics in recent years.

Leszek Miller

Former communist leader, reformed capitalist with left-wing views. Former Prime Minister. He always comes back – just like a cork stopper.

Andrzej Duda

President of Poland since 2015. His term of office expires in 2025.

Mateusz Morawiecki

Prime Minister under PiS until 2023. Wants to be party leader and maybe even president.

Lech Walęsa

Nobel Peace Prize winner, expert on unrest, former president, sometimes speaks before he thinks, but has had a major influence on Poland’s development.

Lech Kaczyński

Former president, died after a plane crash. Brother of Jarosław Kaczyński, who made sure Poland is covered in statues of Lech.

Wociech Jaruzelski

Soldier, dictator, president and author of the 1981-1983 state of emergency.

Aleksander Kwasniewski

Former communist. Fond of sports and alcohol. Popular president 1995-2005.

Leszek Balcerowicz

As a young economist, he had the opportunity to show how to transform a planned economy into a capitalist economy under the guidance of Thatcher and Reagan. Hated and loved as the architect of the 1989 transition.

Please send an email to m@hardenfelt.pl if you would like a English-speaking tour guide to show you the most important places in Warsaw.